SeedTactic FMS Insight
Data analytics and monitoring for flexible manfuacturing systems
Material Tracking
Track material by barcode serial throughout the manufacturing process, including through both automated handling and manual handling. The log of all material is stored in a database.
Operator Instructions
Use the material tracking to help the operators on the shop floor by providing instructions and data displays, for example to provide the inspection operator with data about the specific part being inspected. FMS Insight provides a HTML client optimized for touchscreen use.
Daily Monitoring
Disseminate information about the daily cell operation throughout the factory. FMS Insight provides targeted pages for engineering, quality control, supervisors, scheduling, and management.
Continuous Improvement
Facilitate continuous improvement and cost reduction via analytics. FMS Insight assists in a monthly review of the cell by display metrics and graphs to help improve the cost/piece and efficiency of the FMS.
Automatic Job Import
Simplify job/plan data creation in the cell controller to prevent traffic jams. Too many jobs with too much demand in an automated system leads to pallet traffic jams just like too many cars on the road lead to traffic jams. When job/plan data creation inside the cell controller is simple and painless, it is much easier to rate-limit the flow of demand into the system to prevent traffic jams.
Open Source
FMS Insight is an open-source server written in C# and Typescript which stores events in a SQLite database, provides a REST-like JSON HTTP network API, and provides a HTML client to view and monitor the system. FMS Insight also supports customized plugins to adapt and implement the specific workflows for your cell.
Getting Started
Each cell is different and in our experience requires a small amount of custom logic. Thus, FMS Insight is designed as an open-source library which you import into your own C# executable project.
Consulting and Software Development
We provide consulting and custom software development based on our decades of experience with flexible manufacturing systems. We can help develop and implement customized workflows for scribing barcodes, ERP order import/export, tool management, and more.
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The FMS Insight library is available on NuGet with the source code on GitHub. To get started, create a new C# project, reference the FMS Insight libraries, and implement the custom logic and behavior. The GitHub project contains more information and documentation.